3 foods to avoid for a healthier lifestyle!
Maintaining a good shape and good nutritional habits, within a perfect healthy lifestyle is everyone’s wish!
It is not that complicated though! especially that it is not forbidden to take some pleasure occasionally!
All that's required is to minimise the use of 3 foods. Which happen to be junk food’s pillars.
So let’s see what those foods are? And how could we consume them in a healthy way ?

1. Sweet products: Refined sugar
I am obviously speaking about marketed soda, cakes and biscuits, which contain enormous amounts of refined sugar. Tasty but believe me, not good for health at all! Consumed regularly and in an excessive way, refined sugar can cause much harm, and prevent the good healthy shape you want!
For many of us, this may be hard or sad to hear,and to be honest even for me,who always eagerly wait for my weekly chocolate cake... So, a good thing to do would be making sure to maintain a good balance during the day, and always respecting the daily nutritional intakes. Thereby, you will be able to control your sugar consumption , and thus be healthy while having some pleasure moments !
2. Bad fats
We all know that bad fats are generally contained in fast food, sauces and fried food. The kind of food that we must avoid eating on a daily basis in order to keep a good dietary balance.
On the other hand, good fats are what we find in foods like fish, olive oil, avocado , nuts..etc. It is good and necessary to the body and therefore must be consumed in enough amounts.
But don’t worry, I am definitely not saying to never eat burgers or pizzas, you still can enjoy your pizza parties, but not everyday ;) !
3. Industrial products
In spite of the fact that industrial products are in most cases tasty and practical to use, they are considered to be a real health threat.
In fact, many of the processes and ingredients used in the production of these kinds of foods have absolutely no nutritional value. They are mostly made up of: refined sugar, bad fats, food additives and preservatives, which have dangerous effects on our health.
Nevertheless, I know that it isn't easy to completely stop consuming some industrial products. Thereby, I advise you to always check the information on the food label before buying it, so that you can make the most optimum choice. And also to favor organic and natural products (fruits, vegetables, whole pasta,.. etc.).
What you should keep in mind, is that having a healthy and balanced diet is most importantly about varying foods and respecting adapted amounts. Along with regular sports activity, you will achieve the healthiest lifestyle, and maystrong-app.com is here to make you get through it ;) <3