
10 healthy eating habits

10 healthy eating habits

The idea that it is mandatory to follow a strict diet in order to start working out and achieving objectives, is a scary idea for a lot of people, and one of the reasons they never start.

I am often asked about sports nutrition and diets. However, my answer is never to have a strict diet, but rather to build some simple habits that help have balanced and healthy nutrition.

So let’s discover those habits !

1. Never skip a meal !

Each meal has a significant role in feeding the body and providing it with the necessary energy it needs. Therefore, it is crucial to have 3 meals a day. Then you might add some snacks in order to meet all the energy and nutritional needs that depend on your effort and objectives.

2. Eat complete and diverse meals

Eating 3 to 6 meals a day is good, but the composition of those meals is more important. Make sure you eat meals that give you enough energy to workout and practice your daily activities.

A complete dish should mainly contain these 3 nutrients:

  • Proteins: chicken, eggs, fish, beans, dairy products, ... etc
  • Carbs: fruits, rice, wholemeal pasta,... etc
  • Good fat: olive oil, peanut butter, almonds, …

3. Always have veggies and fruits in the fridge!

As you already know, fruits and vegetables are an abundant source of vitamins, fibers, and protein. By eating a variety of them on a regular basis, you will perfectly meet all your body’s nutritional needs.

Don’t worry, I am obviously not suggesting you eat raw vegetables and salads. Use your intelligence and creativity when preparing your meals. And if you’re not that good at cooking, just try my delicious easy recipes.

4. Consume less white sugar, bad fats and fast food

You might be tired of hearing this everywhere! But it is inescapable. In order to have a healthy diet, you need to reduce your consumption of white sugar. These products must be consumed carefully and in a controlled way in order to avoid their harmful effects.

5. Stay hydrated !

A healthy body is a hydrated one. Water is crucial for the good functioning of the body. So hydrate yourself by drinking water regularly throughout the day, eating vegetables and fruits rich in water and drinking natural juices or herbal teas.

6. Eat more whole grain foods

Whole grain foods, such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, ... are rich in fibers. They improve digestion and help the body assimilate some nutrients, which indirectly improves physical performance.

7. Take the time to chew before swallowing

Eating healthy is not only about “what to eat” but “how to eat” as well.

Digestion begins in the mouth. So, in order to have good digestion, you have to make sure you chew well before swallowing!

8. Consume less dairy products

Drinking milk and eating dairy products is a significant calcium intake. Which is good for the immune system along with a balanced nutrition.

However, these products contain lactose, which is poorly digested by a large majority of people. It is, therefore, better to favor lactose-free milk or yogurts.

9. Drink infusions and herbal teas

One of my favorite healthy habits is drinking herbal teas, because it helps me have better sleep and relax, especially the marjoram herbal tea. In fact there are plenty of herbal teas that you can drink, and all are beneficial for health.

However, make sure you don’t consume anything without consulting your doctor, especially if you have allergies or a specific disease.

10. Never deprive yourself !

Does this seem contradictory to you? Well no, the goal of a healthy lifestyle is above all to feel good about your body and to be happy.

Here are my two tips to eat healthy without completely depriving yourself of what you love:

  • Rather than completely ban a food from your diet, try to minimize consumption and control quantities. It’s always good to spoil ourselves from time to time.
  • Find the healthy alternative: You should know that every bad food has its healthy substitute. So don't stop eating anything without finding an alternative to it.