
4 typical excuses to skip workout !

4 typical excuses to skip workout !

As a coach, I always hear beginners complain about not being able to workout because of everything and anything. However, what they don’t notice is that all their reasons are nothing more than excuses.

In this article, I will speak about the 4 common excuses that women use to skip working out, and my answer to those.

1. I don’t have enough time!

We would never have time for anything, if we don’t actively act to create it !

I know that right now and with your kids running around the house, your endless homework, or your super busy schedule, you probably feel like it is impossible for you to find time to workout.

But let’s face the truth, we all can find 15 or 30 minutes a day, if we divide our time properly and check less often social media ! So it's more about organization than lack of time!

Here’s my advice to oppose to the lack of time excuse:

  • Start now! : As you might know, the 1st step is by all means the hardest one. So make it without thinking twice. A way to make this easier, is to consider it as a try to experience the end feeling. I can guarantee that you’ll be highly satisfied.
  • Give yourself a chance to get used to workout: take note of any openings you may have during the week and set aside a few minutes for training. You will notice that your mindset is changing as you keep going through.
  • Choose short workout sessions that are adapted to your level, so that it does not take you more time than it should.

2. I am not motivated to workout!

Actually, motivation has never been the fuel to workout! None of us could ever remain motivated 24/7, even I don’t. Yet this doesn’t prevent me from being disciplined and regular with my training sessions. So, it is rather a matter of discipline, mindset and determination rather than motivation.

However, you may need some motivation at the beginning to start, and for that, I advise you to surround yourself with disciplined inspiring people, and also to read and learn about sport’s benefits, so that you’ll have insurance about the results you’ll gain. Because believing in your efforts and in the power of practicing sport regularly will help you never give up. About that, you are just at the right place, on you have all the help you can get to allow you to be motivated and disciplined.

3. I don’t see any results!

One of the most important abilities that we can gain from working out is being patient. You just need to give yourself time to get used to it.

To get results, you need to:

  • Set realistic objectives according to your body
  • Follow a training program adapted to your goals and training level
  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet
  • Have a regularity and a constant frequency of training

To be able to follow this path you clearly need the assistance of an experienced coach, who will be able to put you on track and guide you throughout your journey. In this regard, there is no problem as the solution is right in front of your eyes, isn’t it?

4. I can’t go to the gym!

I know that, in many cases, it can be complicated to find a gym that suits your schedule and circumstances. I personally had a similar experience when I began fitness. However I never gave up on working out, and I kept training at home.

Home workout is actually a perfect alternative. You can train at home as effectively as in a gym, even without equipment. All you need is to follow the right program and advice. And guess what! Both are available on, so what are you waiting for?

And you, tell me what's your excuse for not working out? Here we don't accept any, so get rid of it and let’s Feel the Burn ;)