Find the program that suits your goal! It's easy

Programs tailored to your weight loss, muscle gain, or strengthening goals, ...

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Train anywhere with our equipment-free or minimal equipment programs!

Whether you're at home, traveling, or outdoors, our MayStrong programs are designed to keep you fit without the need for expensive equipment. Simply use your body weight or a few accessories like resistance bands. Perfect for all fitness levels, these workouts are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Discover them now and start training wherever you are!

Our Programs

Move on

4 weeks


Get Fit Beginner

4 weeks


Summer Fit

4 weeks




Tips to pick the program adapted to your goals

  • Identify Your Goals: Before choosing a program, it is essential to clearly define your goals. Do you want to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your endurance? Each goal requires a different approach, and we have programs tailored to each need.

  • Know Your Level: Are you a beginner or an experienced athlete? Our programs are categorized by difficulty level. If you’re just starting out, begin with a lighter program to master the basics. If you have experience, you can jump straight into a more intensive plan.

  • Be Realistic About Your Schedule: Some people have more time for training than others. If you have a busy schedule, choose a program with short but effective sessions, like our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) programs that deliver quick results.


Still not sure where to start? No worries! Choose a program that fits your level and get started. The most important thing is to begin, no matter where you’re starting from. After all, every great journey begins with a first step!

Don't wait any more

And start taking care of your body today.
